
Moremi Game Reserve: Khwai River

Our time in the Moremi Game Reserve couldn’t have been more different to our experience in Savuti.

Whereas Savuti was dry, dusty and quiet on the wildlife front, Moremi Game Reserve was lush, wet and teeming with birds and animals.

We spent two nights camping near the Khwai River, before moving onto Xakanaxa in another part of the reserve.

On our first full day in Moremi, we were up at 6am and out for our first game drive by 7am.

It didn’t take long before we spotted our first signs of wildlife – four giant hornbills by the side of the road and some hippos in the Khwai River.

As we drove around, we saw multiple dazzles of zebra, as well as herds of impala (below), red lechwe and tsessebe (the latter three are all different types of antelope).

We also saw lots of birds, including a Bennett’s woodpecker (below) and some double-banded sandgrouse.

Before long we spotted a series of cars parked near some bushes and as we got closer, we could see a couple of lionesses and a cub, but they left almost as soon as we arrived.

We carried on along the winding track and stumbled upon a pair of African wild dogs that were happily feasting on the remains of an impala.

We were soon off again, and having sighted some buffalo, we headed down to the water’s edge, where we could see geese, hippos and impala in the distance.

We followed the road for a short distance along the course of the river, then stopped to take some photos of a buffalo (above).

While we were busy watching the buffalo, our guide asked us if we’d spotted the lion – there, sure enough, camouflaged by the grass was a lioness (above).

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